Thanks to its web GUI, the k110 pro is the perfect tool for testing CEC devices capabilities and investigating AV control scenarios.
The web interface displays and decodes CEC, E-EDID as well as the HPD and 5V states.
With kwikwai k110 pro, you can diagnose CEC chatter between devices, decode E-EDID, or fine tune AV control scenarios.
Kwikwai’s k110 pro web interface displays and decodes CEC messages exchanged between devices on the HDMI bus. It can also send messages.
This allows to discover what messages your devices support, to investigate any proprietary ones, and try control scenarios comfortably. Device manufacturers can of course use kwikwai as an affordable, CEC only HDMI test tool.
Kwikwai reads and decodes all the information contained in the E-EDID.
This includes the HDMI data block, with the sink physical address, as well as all the newest 3D related fields. The raw E-EDID is provided for copy pasting.
Kwikwai monitors some HDMI signals (CEC messages or HPD/5V state change) and react by sending a serial or CEC command.
Serial commands can be sent with a minimal interval of time and with a configurable delay.
In order to foster CEC exchange on the bus, kwikwai can simulate the presence of a device by acknoledgng messages.
On top of the bridge model, the k110 is able to detect CEC messages or HPD & 5V state changes, and react by sending serial commands, This way it acts as a controller for AV devices.
Some typical AV control scenarios are to drive video conference system and meeting room display.
Used as a controller, kwikwai can detect CEC messages or, for non CEC capable devices, modifications of the 5V and HPD (Hot Plug Detect) state. As a reaction, kwikwai can send CEC or serial commands.
Thanks to its controller feature, kwikwai is able to control devices through serial commands (typically beamers that are usually not CEC capable).
For instance, it is possible to switch on a beamer and select the appropriate source at the startup of a video conference by detecting the sent CEC commands. And when the conference is finished, a standby command is sent.